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Smart Home Blinds

Control blinds and curtains using HomeKit™ and Siri™

Smart window blind solutions connect motorised blinds to your Wi-Fi network and enable control using HomeKit™ or Siri™, Google Home or Alexa.

Conveniently operate your smart home blinds using the HomeKit™ app or by voice using Siri™.. from anywhere! Ikea smart blinds or Somfy or Acmeda? Many brands are compatible.

"Siri, open the bedroom blinds to 50%". Easily program blinds or curtains to be part of an automated scene. Have them open automatically at dawn or close at dusk.

Close selected blinds automatically when the air conditioning activates or when the temperature outside reaches a certain level. Add convenience and comfort, while saving money on your energy bills. Alternatively close blinds automatically when the house is armed at night to improve security. 

Integrate existing motorised blinds without having to replace them. Most popular brands are Somfy and Acmeda, but House-mate works with many more.

Article: Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Blinds


Keep your rollers

Smarten your existing roller blinds by fitting cylindrical motors that can be hard wired or battery operated. If you choose battery power, the system will alert when to recharge.


Smarten your venetians or curtains

Ever wanted those old venetian's or curtains to open and close automatically? Now it's possible with small motors that sit in the headrail and control the tilt rod (or draw the curtain string).


HomeKit interface

Using HomeKit on your iPhone or iPad or iWatch to set the level you want your blinds to be. Create a scene to automatically open blinds at dawn and close them at dusk.

Products available online:


House-Mate Home Automation 2023